My Inspiration For Giving Back

By Andy McClure

Andy, Erin and her Aunt Margaret

Andy, Erin and her Aunt Margaret

Giving back is the least I can do. Every day I wake up thankful for Rady Children's because I know Erin is safe and happy here. I also know that without access to care at Rady Children's, Erin would not be alive today.

Erin was born an underweight preemie and spent three weeks in the NICU at Rady Children's. She came home healthy and happy, but eventually began to show signs of abnormal development. When Erin was diagnosed with Rett Syndrome, a rare genetic neurological disorder, Dr. Richard Haas and his neurological team quickly developed an individualized care plan especially for Erin.

Erin’s health remained stable at home for a long time. But when her health began to decline three years ago, Erin was admitted into the Helen Bernardy Center for Medically Fragile Children—a long-term care center at Rady Children’s Hospital. Here, Erin’s quality of life is very good. The staff at Rady Children's saved her life more than once and I’m certain that Erin’s improved quality of living has extended her lifespan. Because this is Erin’s home, Rady Children's feels like home for our family too.

I visit Erin several times a week and each time, see concerned families of sick children. While difficult, I take comfort knowing these children will get the very best care available, regardless of income, insurance, or ability to pay. This knowledge, compounded by the life-changing impact Rady Children's has on our own family, makes me want to do as much as I can to give back.

I hope the impact of my giving will inspire others to do the same. If in some small way, my contribution helps ensure that Rady Children's will care for any child in need, for decades to come, I am happy.

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